HUNE= HUman NEst
⼈間は新しい⾝体感覚を⾝ につけはじめているのではないでしょうか。そ の中にあって、「⼈間が⼈間らしくある環境」 をつくりたいと考えています。既存の建築の概念を超えて、 より⾃由に発想しながら「⼈間の巣」 とは何かを問い続けていきます。
HUNE= HUman NEst
Our Society has evolved drastically into a continuum that connects man with his/her surroundings seamlessly.
A world that knows no physical limitations is before us, and mankind is beginning to acquire new bodily sensations to adapt to such a social revolution. But this coming era is preventing us to live intuitively as a human being, and we want to bring humans “back to their nests”.
We continue to question what a “human nest” is, as we free ourselves from all conventional architectural preconceptions, striving to create an environment where one can truly behave like a human being.